PhD and postdoc positions in software engineering and verification at ITMO, Saint Petersburg The newly created Chair of Software Engineering and Verification (Кафедра программной инженерии и верификации) at ITMO, under Professor Bertrand Meyer, has positions open for PhD students (аспиранты) and postdocs (кандидаты). Salaries are attractive and comparable to those in industry. Successful candidates must have completed or be close to completing a master's degree (магистра) for the PhD student positions, and a PhD  in the case of postdoc positions. They must have a solid theoretical background in computer science, an excellent practice of software analysis, design and implementation, and a passion for research at the highest level. They should have at least some of the following:       - Published papers in scientific conferences. &nbsp;  - Experience with software verification techniques, particularly proofs (e.g. Hoare-style semantics, model checking, abstract interpretation, SMT solving). &nbsp;      - Experience of large-scale software development.       - In-depth knowledge of object-oriented techniques, especially as used in Eiffel. &nbsp;      - Theoretical knowledge and practice of concurrent programming. Good command of English, written and spoken, is necessary. ITMO is particularly known for its excellence in teaching as attested by numerous successes in programming competition, including winning the ACM world programming championship three times. The Chair will pursue research in software engineering and verification at the highest level and will apply international standards of publication and PhD evaluation. Its goal is to advance the state of the art in Verified Software by producing a repository of high-quality software components, equipped with a guarantee of correctness, robustness and security. Interested candidates should  send to Lidia Perovskaya (Лидия Перовская) <lperovskaya+SEV at> an email expressing their interest and including (as PDF attachments, preferably in English): &nbsp;      - A CV. &nbsp;     - A "mission statement" describing the candidate's research interests and goals, if possible in relation to Prof. Meyer’s current research interests (as the web page of the group is in preparation you can check

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